Thursday, August 27, 2009

I will be starting class next Tuesday night (Sept.1st )and also starting my Wednesday morning class (Sept 2nd). I hope you can come. The classes are from 7-9 on Tuesdays and from 10-12 on Wednesday mornings . The session runs for seven weeks (through Oct 13th and 14th) and costs $100 for four classes to be used during that period .If you want to attend  additional classes they are $15 on a drop in basis. I‘m doing this so  people have a little flexibility but are encouraged to keep coming. Let me know if you want to attend.

The classes are small, 4-6 people ,and there will be lots of time to get individual attention .I will also have a still life of some sort of lesson for any of you that are interested.

My phone is 3365091381 Don ‘t hesitate to call if you have any questions. Later this fall I plan to do a couple of workshops and at least one intensive drawing class. There will be specific info out soon or come by the ARTSTOCK tour at our studio , 600 N.Church St, on October 9th and 10th.

As far as supplies go ,I usually ask people to bring their paint and brushes as well as a surface to paint on(canvas , board) If you look at>    there are a few suggestions. 336--509-1381

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